CE Aluminium | Aluminium Windows & Doors

Approved Fabricator of Omega Windows + Doors

CE Aluminium

Windows and Doors are your home's eyes and well thought out options bring your home to life – we want to assist you with this.

Our WGANZ award-winning showroom displays Omega's upgraded suites along with the latest range of hardware and glass varieties currently available.


Providing a quality finished product at a competitive price.

With over 50 years of combined experience, Tony and Kevin offer friendly service with a smile. They are committed to meeting your specific needs and providing a quality finished product at a competitive price.

Combined with our experience, we’re committed to offering a comprehensive selection of services, including:

  • New build projects to bring your vision to life
  • Offering specialised expertise in architectural builds
  • Renovations, from small jobs to large-scale projects
  • Installation of thermal and residential inserts

The ever developing Omega Suites available - allow CE Aluminium to be innovative in our approach to product we can offer clients. We have the back up of Omega designers and engineers who are always willing to assist us to make things work...Although sometimes shaking their heads at us! We enjoy working with people with their alterations on existing homes to entire new builds to help their ideas become a reality.

CE Aluminium is situated at 22 Smart Road in New Plymouth — just over the road from Harvey Norman.